March 23, 2015 – FMP participates in the BIM-GIS-FM panel at the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) Conference in Savannah, GA.
On Apr 2, 2015
Facility Management professionals in the airport industry have many concerns about maximizing the value of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and determining the appropriate system to be the source of an airport’s critical asset information. The amount of data required to be maintained is overwhelming and the options for systems used to manage it are limitless.
On March 23, 2015, FMP CEO, Richard Yen, and President, Chris Parra, shared their industry expertise on the subjects of BIM and Facilities Management in the panel titled ‘BIM-GIS-FM: Can’t We All Just Get Along’. The discussion encompassed many of the challenges that airport GIS professionals face including data management, technology selection, project close-out deliverables, inspections and contract requirements.
“The airport industry has long been driven by GIS systems to manage their infrastructure and real estate assets. Integrating the valuable construction data from a Building Information Model and combining the workflow and operational functionality of a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is essential in successfully managing the lifecycle operations and maintenance of an airport” states Chris Parra. “Each tool has been developed for a specific purpose. Although there is overlap in functionality among BIM tools, GIS applications and CMMS solutions, it is important to design a combined system that most cohesively aligns with an airport’s unique business processes.”
AAAE consists of more than 100 airport GIS managers, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) personnel and GIS-related consultants and vendors. The conference featured several topics, including integrating airport GIS data with public agencies; the relationship between GIS, Asset Management, Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Facilities Management; improving airfield safety and navigation; and using GIS for obstruction identification surfaces.